Locomotive and Tender built for the Pitmaston Moor Green Model Railway
Just outside the boundaries of the Edgbaston Calthorpe Estate lay Sir John Holder’s estate at Pitmaston, close to Joseph Chamberlain’s home at Highbury. The Holders were brewers – a magnificent tiled ...
Mr Wheeley's, Edgbaston, by Charles Barber
Many of Charles Barber’s drawings are simply labelled with their district rather than a specific location, but this farmhouse is helpfully titled Mr Wheeley’s, Edgbaston. The Wheeley family had been in ...
Municipal Flats, by unknown artist
Watercolour painting of municipal flats (probably at Lee Bank) under construction.
'My Second Sermon', by Millais
'My Second Sermon', by John Everett Millais (1829-1896), shows a girl asleep in a church with her legs dangling uncrossed. No Bible can be seen. It is one of a pair of paintings, the other being 'My First ...
Neville Chamberlain, by Basil Byng
Pencil portrait.
'Peace?', by W.L. Sherwood
This dramatic frontispiece to an issue of 'The Southern Cross' (the Edgbaston military hospital magazine) is entitled simply ‘Peace?’. It is one of a series of visionary works by Staff Sergeant W.L. Sherwood, ...
Selly Manor
Henry Baker’s painting shows Selly Manor in a ruinous condition. By the early 1900s it was threatened by demolition. George Cadbury arranged for its re-location from Selly Oak to Bournville, where the ...
Single Storey Dwellings for Aged People, by Manzoni
Watercolour artist impression by Sir Herbert Manzoni, City Engineer and Surveyor, depicting layout of the kind of elderly person's maisonette-type dwelling built on new housing estates.
Sketch for Peace, by Joseph Southall
This sketch is from a collection of material relating to the artist Joseph Southall held at the Birmingham Museum and Art Galleries. Southall was born into a Nottingham Quaker family in 1861. On the death ...
Sketch of Tank in Calthorpe Park
In WW1 the National War Saving Committee raised funds for the war effort though the Tank Bank scheme; tanks were exhibited in cities to promote and sell war bonds by public subscription; Birmingham was ...
Sketches In The Condemned Localities
Ink print accompanying an article, originally printed in 'The Graphic' newspaper, depicting inhabitants of John Street in central Birmingham.
Study for 'The Beloved', by Rossetti
This drawing was made by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) as a study for a painting, ‘The Beloved’ (‘The Bride’), which features models of different ‘races’. The dark skin of the boy is contrasted with ...
'The Baby-House', by Millais
Etching by John Everett Millais (1829-1896).
The Victorian nursery, with its dolls and dolls' houses, provided an early training in motherhood. Millais, perhaps not insignificantly, entitled his etching ...
'The End 1916', by W.L. Sherwood
This dramatic frontispiece to an issue of 'The Southern Cross' (the Edgbaston military hospital magazine) is entitled simply ‘The End 1916’. It is one of a series of visionary works by Staff Sergeant ...
'The Ghosts of the Slain', illustrated by Joseph Southall
This antiwar pamphlet with illustrations by Joseph Southall was written by Robert Leonard Outhwaite, a farmer and one-time Liberal MP who became a fellow member of the Independent Labour Party. Whilst ...
The Joseph Sturge Oil Portrait.
Image: from Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.
This is one of the few known oil portraits of Joseph Sturge. It is thought to represent the emancipation of apprentices in the West Indies in 1838. Its ...
The Joseph Sturge Portrait- Alternative Version?
Image: Joseph Sturge
This recently discovered drawing seems very close to the 'main' portrait of Joseph Sturge now in the Birmingham Art Gallery. Was the sketch made from the Oil painting? Or was it ...
The Junction, Kings Norton, by Frank Lockwood
Campaigning for Canals in Kings Norton
Frank Lockwood’s pencil drawing The Junction, Kings Norton shows the toll house in 1958, where the Worcester and Stratford canals join. This tranquil scene reflects ...