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Photograph of the principal street in Bridgetown, Barbados, from the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone.

Calthorpe Park

Painting depicting the opening of Calthorpe Park, by Samuel Lines Snr.

Carpenter’s Mill, with Birmingham in the distance

This drawing gives a vivid impression of Edgbaston's rural landscape in the nineteenth century. St Thomas's Church, The Windmill on Holloway Head and St Martin's Church are visible in the distance.


Technical innovations in the second half of the 19th century allowed photographs to be produced more cheaply. This made photography available to many more people, both as photographers and consumers. ...

Case Notes for Ellen Allport, 1873-1880, All Saints Mental Health Casebook

Other children with health and learning problems were less well served. In the middle of the 19th century Birmingham opened a Lunatic Asylum for Paupers in Winson Green. Extensive records were kept about ...


'Kandyan Chiefs with British Counsellor'. Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. From the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone.


'Kandyan ladies (and Chiefs) '. Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. From the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone


'Group of Kandyan High Priests of the Dalada Malegawa, or Temple of the Sacred Tooth of Buddha.' Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. From the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone


'Buddhist Priests and Altar', Ceylon [Sri Lanka], from the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone.


Originally captioned 'Buddhist Priests. The robes worn are yellow'. Ceylon [Sri Lanka], from the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone.


Coastline and Fishing Boat, nr Columbo'. Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. From the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone.


Originally captioned "The "Perahera" an annual Buddhist Festival, Ceylon." From the collection of Sir Benjamin Stone.

'Charity', by Bourguereau

Oil painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905). For the early Christian Church ‘Charity’ was the ‘mother of all virtues’. From at least the 16th century artists and poets depicted Charity as ...

Children at a Sugar Factory Estate

This photograph shows children on the estate of Colonial Co., a sugar factory in Trinidad.

Children carrying bricks, from George Smith, ‘The Cry of the Children from the Brickyards of England’

Children from Port Elizabeth

This photograph shows children with a teacher in Port Elizabeth, Africa.

Children in Bethlehem

Street scene in Bethlehem.

Children in Traditional Japanese Dress

This photograph shows two children dressed in traditional Japanese attire, Kyoto, Japan.