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Princethorpe Priory Schoolgirls

This photograph shows girls in their schoolroom at Princethorpe Priory, Warwickshire.

Professor Muirhead

The Edgbastonia magazine presents the new University of Birmingham as the pride of all Edgbastonians. Professor Muirhead is proudly claimed as an ‘Edgbastonian Past and Present’. The writer asserts that ...

Progress Book of Amy Crutchley, Institution for the Blind, Birmingham

Amy Crutchley was at Birmingham Institution for the Blind in the early 1900s. The Institution kept detailed records for each child from admission to leaving. Each child had an individual progress book. ...

Proposal for a Midlands Arts Centre for Young People

This is the first page of a proposal prepared by John English concerning the establishment in Cannon Hill Park of a Midland Arts Centre, which he hoped would be administered by an independent trust. It ...

Punishment Book, Institution for the Blind, Birmingham

Alice Cumbley was at Birmingham Institution for the Blind in the early 1900s. The Institution kept detailed records for each child from admission to leaving. No concessions were made due to disability. ...

Reading from the Koran

Reading from the Koran, Wolverhampton Mosque. Photograph by Nick Hedges for the exhibition 'I'm a Believer - Religion in the West Midlands'.

Records of New Meeting House Birmingham

Submitted by Michael Hunkin, Birmingham Archives and Heritage. This report book was compiled by the Missionary appointed by the Church of the Messiah Sunday Schools and Home Mission. The reports are ...

Register of Children, Marston Green Cottage Homes

For the Victorians orphans invited both pity and fear. They were pitied because they lacked family, but were feared because of what they might become as adults if they did not receive care, discipline ...

Rose Sidgwick

This photograph reveals both Rose Sidgwick’s love of learning and her informal approach, both of which endeared her to students at the University of Birmingham. She was described as having a ‘freshness ...

School Board Classes for Deaf Children

Group photographs of school children were commonplace in the late 19th century. With the establishment of mass schooling after the 1870 Education Act local School Boards organised classes for children ...

School Boys at Port Elizabeth

This photograph shows school boys in a street at Port Elizabeth, Africa.

School Children in a Class for Deaf Students

This photograph by W. Woollaston shows children in a class for deaf students. Classes were originally run by the Birmingham School Board.

School Children in a Cookery Class

This photograph by W. Woollaston shows school children being taught how to make pastry.

School Children in a Drawing Class

This photograph by William Jerome Harrison shows an art lesson at Icknield Street Board School.

School Children in a French lesson

This photograph by W. Woollaston shows children at Waverley Road School in a French lesson.

School Children in a Needlework Class

This photograph by W. Woollaston shows children at Waverley Road School in a needlework class.

School Children in a Physics lesson

This photograph by W. Woollaston shows children in a physics lesson.

School Children in a Science lesson

This photograph by W. Woollaston shows children in a science class.