Theme Explorer

Page 7 of 23 408 Records Found

Children at a Market in Algeria

This photograph shows an 'Arab Market at Maison Carree, Algeria'.

Children at a street party to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George V in Dartmouth Street

Street parties celebrated moments of national significance like royal events, the Boer War or the end of World War 2. At other times the street and public spaces became the focus of popular protest and ...

Children at a Sugar Factory Estate

This photograph shows children on the estate of Colonial Co., a sugar factory in Trinidad.

Children at breakfast table

Children at Garland Day

Garland Day at Abbotsbury, Dorset, was the survival of an ancient festival of Neptune. Boats were formerly decorated with flowers and then cast into the sea as offerings.

Children at Garland Day

Garland Day at Abbotsbury, Dorset, was the survival of an ancient festival of Neptune. Boats were formerly decorated with flowers and then cast into the sea as offerings.

Children by a tree

Shenley Fields Estate, Weoley Castle, Birmingham.

Children drying their hands

Children eating breakfast, by Lisel Haas

The children sharing breakfast in this photograph are believed to be siblings although we do not know their names. Haas was born in Monchengladbach, Germany. She was a Jewish refugee who settled in Birmingham ...

Children feeding a swan

Shenley Fields Estate, Weoley Castle, Birmingham.

Children from Port Elizabeth

This photograph shows children with a teacher in Port Elizabeth, Africa.

Children in Bethlehem

Street scene in Bethlehem.

Children in Classroom, Sir Josiah Mason's Orphanage by Sir Benjamin Stone

This photograph shows that all of the girls are dressed uniformly and the age range of the girls in the orphanage. It also shows school desks and some teaching equipment. The space is large but is heated ...

Children in school classroom

Photograph of a white boy and a black girl in a classroom interior. Taken in Liverpool by Nick Hedges.

Children in Traditional Japanese Dress

This photograph shows two children dressed in traditional Japanese attire, Kyoto, Japan.

Children in Warwickshire

This photograph shows 'village children' at Water Orton.

Children on a see-saw

Municipal Estate, Kingstanding.

Children on climbing frame

Shenley Fields Estate, Weoley Castle, Birmingham.