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Girls of Gower Street School, Ladywood, carrying maypoles

The street was the focus of community activities and celebrations of national events. Processions marked special days in the calendar such as May Day.

Girls Exercising in the School Hall, Birmingham by William Woollaston

This image shows girls exercising with Indian clubs. A growing concern for the health and welfare of school children led to physical drill and exercises being introduced into the curriculum. Such activities ...

Girl in fancy dress presenting a bouquet to Elizabeth Cadbury at Bournville Children’s Festival

George and Elizabeth Cadbury with their children

Families were often larger than today, and the death of one parent often resulted in extended step-families. George Cadbury had five children with his first wife Mary Tylor: George junior and Edward ...

Floodgate Street School, Birmingham by Paulo Catrica

Floodgate Street Board School opened in 1891 in the heart of what was regarded as the worst slum area in Birmingham. It accommodated 1,115 children between the ages of 5 and 13. The area around the school ...

Farm labourers at Booths Farm, Perry Barr by Sir Benjamin Stone

Parts of Birmingham were very rural until relatively recently and many children were employed in agricultural work.

Exterior of Sir Josiah Mason's Orphanage, Erdington by Sir Benjamin Stone

Like many Victorian civic buildings Mason’s Orphanage was monumental in scale, the building dwarfing its inmates. A digital enhancement of the photograph enables an adult figure to be seen in an open ...

Evidence from the Coroner’s inquest into the death of Kate Grosvenor

The home could often be a place of danger, particularly for poor families. Open fires were a constant hazard. This coroner’s inquest describes the case of Kate Grosvenor, aged 8. Her clothing caught fire ...

Evacuation log book St. Clement’s Junior and Infants School Nechells

Evidence from the Coroner’s inquest into the death of Harry George Gammage

Children playing in the streets or on the canal towpaths were often hurt, and sometimes killed in accidents. Children were run over by vehicles or fell into the canal and drowned. In this case the child ...

Escapologist performing the ‘rope tying trick’ with crowd of boys in Corporation Street by Edwin C. Middleton

Evidence from the Coroner’s inquest into the death of a baby girl

It was very common for children to share their parents’ bed, and babies were often accidentally smothered during the night. Here the unnamed baby girl was in bed with her mother, father, and twin brother ...

Evacuation of children

Evacuation of children outside New Street Station

Envelope marked ‘Secret: Not to be Opened’ sent to the head teacher of Shooting Butts Camp School by Staffordshire Education Authority

The envelope was to be kept under lock and key and only to be opened in the event of invasion.

Entrance to the Blue Coat School by Sir Benjamin Stone

The Blue Coat School stood at the east end of St Philip’s churchyard. It was founded as a charity in 1723 to board and educate the children of the poor. Boys and girls were taught to read, write and do ...

Drawing of Trees by Gregory Watt

Drawing of George De Courcey, All Saints Mental Health Casebook

This drawing by Robson, the asylum doctor, is the only visual record of a child in All Saints Asylum. George was admitted from the workhouse in 1876 aged 9. Like Ellen Allport he is described as insane ...