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Chinese Bakery, Sparkbrook

Photograph by Terry Lo.

Chinese Bakery, Sparkbrook

Photograph by Terry Lo.

Cocoa - The Story of its Cultivation, illustrated by Frank Newbould

Frank Newbould’s designs for Cocoa: the Story of its Cultivation, were in a bold graphic style. He used vibrant colours to illustrate some of the key stages in cocoa cultivation, from harvesting through ...

The Chinese in Birmingham

Photograph by Terry Lo.

Watercolour depicting Harvesting Cocoa Pods, by Jeanne Borde

Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery’s collections include artwork associated with Cadbury during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The earliest images are a group of watercolours produced ...

Watercolour of Cutting Pods, by Frank Newbould

The final group of images depicting cocoa plantations associated with Cadbury in the early twentieth century are by the artist Frank Newbould. During the 1920s and 1930s, Newbould was commissioned on ...