"My Journey to and Life in Britain"
My name is Sarwan Singh. I came to this country in 1960. I have lived all my life in Handsworth and worked in Birmingham. I am a member and office bearer of Indian ...
‘Europe Peace or Famine - Which’, by Joseph Southall
The Edgbaston Quaker artist Joseph Southall contributed occasional prints to Sylvia Pankhurst's anti-war suffragette broadsheet 'The Woman's Dreadnought'; the paper later became the 'Workers' Dreadnought' ...
Anti-Jewish Conversion Society
A Jewish form of resistance to organisations such as the Birmingham auxillary of the 'Society for Promoting Christianity Amoung the Jews' was to engage with social debate. The mission of this society ...
Birmingham International Marxist Group
Birmingham International Marxist Group [IMG] MS 1591 Paul Mackney Collection
Despite advocating a mass picket in support of the ‘Grunwick’ strikers, the IMG’s credentials as a mobilizer of the industrial ...
Faces and Places: Sarwan Singh and the Indian Workers Association
[Submitted by Sarwan Singh]
On the 3rd of October 2008 Birmingham Stories held an event entitled 'Race and Racism' in Birmingham Central Library. At this session, Dr Kevin Searle introduced the new ...
'Free Nelson Mandela' Flyer
Birmingham District Labour Party Youth Liaison Committee flyer advertising a meeting on Wednesday 26th November at Handsworth Technical College [1980s]. From the records of the Birmingham Anti-Apartheid ...
Gay Liberation Front
The 1970s saw the emergence of the Birmingham Gay Liberation Front, the rise of feminism and the beginnings of a ‘gay scene’ in the city, although much effort went into more practical matters like the ...
'Gays and Fascism'
LGBT people have faced serious prejudice and persecution in the past, and the cover of this issue of 'Gladrag' (the newsletter of the Birmingham Gay Liberation Front) reminds us both of the large numbers ...
Homes for Birmingham: the Communist Party Plan
At the end of the Second World War public housing had become an increasingly contentious political issue. Both mainstream and fringe parties printed their own solutions for public circulation. Parties ...
I am a Lesbian and I am Beautiful
Issue of 'Gladrag', the newsletter of the Birmingham Gay Liberation Front, showing a very different image of a lesbian to the stereotypical representations found in the media.
“I suppose all through ...
Indian Workers' Association GB [IMG]
Indian Workers’ Association GB (Birmingham Branch) MS 2141 IWA
The IWA combined Marxist politics with a concern for the plight of Asians and other immigrants in Britain and had a close, if sometimes ...
My journey to and Life in Britain
My Expectations of coming to Britain;
My expectations were that I could find a job and earn some money, and come back to my country and live a better life. Farming in Punjab was just working hard and ...
Political Demonstrations in the Parks
During the 1920s and 1930s, the Parks Committee minutes contain detailed information about the type of organisations applying to use Birmingham’s parks for meetings and demonstrations. The issue of whether ...
The Birmingham Afro-Caribbean Organisation
Undated photograph of the Birmingham Afro-Caribbean Organisation. From the papers of Henry Gunter.
Henry Gunter was secretary of the Afro-Caribbean Organisation, which was started in the 1940s. Gunter ...
The Co-ordinating Committee Against Racial Discrimination
The Co-ordinating Committee Against Racial Discrimination (CCARD) was set up in 1961 by Jagmohan Joshi and Maurice Ludmer a sports journalist who was also the founding editor of the anti-racist magazine ...
The Operation of the Colour Bar
This article from the Evening Mail and Despatch from 1966 highlights typical examples of the operation of the colour bar in Britain. After the passing of the Race Relations Act in 1965 complaints could ...