Advertisement for the Women's Social and Political Union
‘The Rights of Woman’, what are they?
The right her husband to obey,
The right to show forth all her life
How proud she is to be a wife!
The right, oh, noble destiny!
The daughter of a man to be.
The ...
I am a Lesbian and I am Beautiful
Issue of 'Gladrag', the newsletter of the Birmingham Gay Liberation Front, showing a very different image of a lesbian to the stereotypical representations found in the media.
“I suppose all through ...
Lantern Slide Showing Woman Wearing Rational Dress
This photograph, probably taken in London, shows a woman wearing short trousers which were worn for cycling. Because clothes like this were based upon function rather than fashion, they became known as ...
Minutes of Edgbaston Archery Association AGM
The Edgbaston Archery Association (later the Edgbaston Archery and Lawn Tennis Association) was formed in 1860. Membership was carefully controlled: ‘applicants for admission to be proposed by a Member, ...
Photograph of Dr Mary Sturge
This photograph accompanied a feature on Mary Sturge in Edgbastonia magazine. Mary Sturge was a pioneer of medical training for women, and also campaigned for women's suffrage. She was among the first ...
Postcard showing woman cycling on Hagley Road
Even in 1905, Hagley Road was a busy thoroughfare, and this view, with the Plough and Harrow Hotel on the left hand side, shows us people getting about in a variety of ways. Pedestrians and cyclists ...
Rhoda Anstey (1865 – 1936)
Submitted by Dr Tansin Benn (Last appointed lecturer to Anstey College of Physical Education, 1981 - 1984) and Dr Ida Webb (Last female Principal Dr Ida Webb, student 1947 – 50, Principal 1969 – 1975), ...
Women's Cycling Shorts
Shorts like this were known as 'rational dress' because they were designed around function rather than fashion. Edgbastonia magazine printed articles about this development in women's dress in 1900.
Women's Rights Group, Chinese Community Centre
Photograph by Terry Lo.
Women's Two-Piece Dress
Important developments were taking place in the role of women in the early twentieth century, with growing interest in women’s rights, the Suffragette movement demanding votes for women, and increased ...