Advertisement for the Women's Social and Political Union
‘The Rights of Woman’, what are they?
The right her husband to obey,
The right to show forth all her life
How proud she is to be a wife!
The right, oh, noble destiny!
The daughter of a man to be.
The ...
African Barkcloth Beater
This barkcloth beater, made from wood and horn, was collected in Africa by the traveller and diarist Helen Caddick, who lived in York Road, Edgbaston.
Arts and Charities
Image: Jenny Lind
Historical sources show that in the Birmingham Jewish community, drama, literature, music and the arts have always been integral. As well as an important form of self expression, ...
Bonnet from Fancy Dress Costume
This fancy dress costume was worn by Florence Barrow, aged 10, in 1886 for the Lord Mayor's Children's Party.
Bournville Work & Play
The publication Bournville Work & Play was one of a series of publications produced by Cadbury during the 1920s and 30s. The publications were intended to promote the working practices of the company, ...
Boy and toy horse
Photograph by Lisel Haas entitled 'Das Neue Pferd' (the new horse).
Cadbury advertisement: Something Like a Present
This window bill is part of a bound volume of advertisements and other marketing paraphernalia produced by Cadbury at their Bournville Works.
Cadbury advertisement: This is a Bournville Workroom
Bournville Works and village was a social and industrial experiment devised by George and Richard Cadbury that was made possible by the relocation of their company from central Birmingham to rural Bournbrook ...
Cadbury advertisement: This is a part of the Bournville Recreation Grounds
This is a part of the Bournville Recreation Grounds was one a series of advertisements published by Cadbury between October and November 1910. Whereas the advertisement entitled This is a Bournville Workroom1 ...
Cadbury's Cocoa Labelling
This photograph forms part of an archive of photographs produced by Cadbury. Each photograph was catalogued and annotated. Some images were used in publications and advertisements, whilst others were ...
'Charity', by Bourguereau
Oil painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905).
For the early Christian Church ‘Charity’ was the ‘mother of all virtues’. From at least the 16th century artists and poets depicted Charity as ...
Child Portrait, by Emma Barton
A mother’s pleasure in her child’s body was a standard feature of photographic portraiture in the late 19th century and can be found in the work of Birmingham born Emma Barton (1872-1938). She preferred ...
Children and satchels, by Lisel Haas
With growing industrialisation in the 1800s employers required a more numerate and more literate workforce than before. The work of humanitarian reformers led to laws being passed to prevent the employment ...
Children eating breakfast, by Lisel Haas
The children sharing breakfast in this photograph are believed to be siblings although we do not know their names. Haas was born in Monchengladbach, Germany. She was a Jewish refugee who settled in Birmingham ...
Crescent Bicycles Catalogue, Arthur E. Sayer & Co., Sherlock Street, Birmingham
This catalogue shows that companies were actively marketing bicycles to women by 1900. Inside we find the 'Crescent No 3' Ladies Safety model, which has 'saddle and handle positions arranged to allow ...
Vesta Tilley (1864-1952) was born as Matilda Powles, in Worcester, and was performing in music hall by the age of four. She was one of the most well known and highly paid music hall artists of her time ...
Dress by M. & E. Abbott
This striking dress in yellow trimmed with black velvet was made by M. & E. Abbott of 65 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, in 1896. However, we can't be sure exactly how it looked when it left the dressmakers. ...
Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield
Programme for a performance by Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield, 'the Black Swan' in Birmingham on June 23rd 1853. Among the songs performed by Taylor Greenfield were 'The Cradle Song', 'Home, Sweet Home,' ...